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Social Events

Contact:  Glenys Morrice - socials@ashbyu3a.co.uk -

We try to organise a small number of social events throughout the year. These are often subsidised to reduce the cost. All members are welcome to take part. Details will appear below and will be advertised at the monthly meetings.

Future programme
DateTimeVenueDetailsPoster or menu

Fri 2nd MayTBABowls Evening at Ashby Bowls Club.We have a provisional date for the Bowls Evening. Come along and try your hand at bowls for free. Bar open afterwards. The club can accomodate up to 20 people. Further details to follow

Friday 24th January. Burns Supper

We returned to the Golf Club again for our celebration of the Scottish Bard’s birthday. Don Jarram again welcomed us with traditional tunes on his pipes, the haggis was duly piped around the room before Bill made the address and ritual cutting open of the great chieftain o the puddin'-race and we raised a glass to toast it.

Bill gave the Selkirk Grace - ‘Some hae meat and canna eat, And some wad eat that want it, But we hae meat and we can eat, And sae the Lord be thankit.’, before sitting down to the meal itself.

The soup was followed by the haggis, neeps and tatties and then Cranachan dessert to finish. Delicious all of it.

Then came the entertainment. Bill sang an impassioned ‘My love is like a red, red rose’, Colin Woodland gave a very humorous ‘Toast ta the lassies’ which praised many of the assembled ladies.

Don gave us a fine medley of Scottish tunes and finally we all gathered in a circle to sing ‘Auld Lang Syne’ before drifting off into the night.

A big thank you to Bill and Don for their respective performances, to Tony Smith as the evening’s host and to Glenys for organising it all.

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