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The Short Walking Group

Leader:  John Howlett - ShortWalk@ashbyu3a.co.uk - phone 01530 461774

The leader will be at the meeting place whatever the weather and only cancel the walk in consultation with those who turn up on the day. All dogs must be kept under control at all times. Walking boots or strong shoes are recommended. Be prepared for bad weather by taking warm WATERPROOF clothing. Leaders act in a voluntary capacity. All ramblers walk at their own risk. The walk will be about 2 or 3 miles and not include any stiles.

Future programme

Fri 21st Feb10:00 amMeet at the carpark nearest the Line Kilns at Moira FurnaceJohn DFor a walk anti-clockwise around the paths at Moira Furnace

Friday 17th January. Meet at the Hood Park gates for a walk around Ashby

A good turn out of 13 walkers and a dog met at the gates to Hood Park on North St on a dry but grey morning. We set off on the dot of 10am along The Mews, then through the alley just to the left of The Lamb and onto South St. Turning left, we headed up to St Helen's churchyard. At which point, the walk leader got a phone call from two more walkers who had mistaken the meeting point as gates further up North St and wanted to know where we were. We continued up through the churchyard at a gentle pace and turned right along Mount Walk. A pause at the far end allowed them to catch up with us. And then we were 15. Our route then took us down Prior Park Lane and into Bath Grounds where we followed the path round to the exit onto South St. From there we bore left onto Station Rd, crossed over into Wilfred Place, on into Wilfred Gardens and onto the path through the allotments at the far end. There were just a few hardy souls preparing their plots for spring planting. From there we turned off to walk through the cemetery, coming out by the water tower and walking down Kilwardby St into Market St and finishing up back in The Mews at the Lil Bo's cafe for hot drinks and cake. A pleasant walk of just over 2 miles.

Photos by Margaret Howlett

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