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The Drawing and Painting Group

Leader:  Christine Dogherty - painting@ashbyu3a.co.uk - phone 01530 411148

Future programme

Wed 21st Aug10:00 am2 Marlborough Way Topic TBA
Wed 18th Sep10:00 amVenue and topic TBA
Wed 16th Oct10:00 amVenue and topic TBA
Wed 20th Nov10:00 amVenue and topic TBA
Wed 18th Dec10:00 amVenue and topic TBA


Thanks to Sue for hosting this month’s session, which was enjoyed by four of the group.
The suggestion was to copy a painting you would like to own, or a gem from Sue’s Garden.
Coffee and cake were enjoyed in the conservatory!!

We next meet on August 21st at 10.00 am at 2 Marlborough Way.
Theme: TBA

The Art Gallery