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The Calligraphy Group

Leader:  Sue Cornell - calligraphy@ashbyu3a.co.uk - phone 01530 413345

A small but friendly group,we enjoy extending our calligraphy skills through a more experimental and creative approach to writing texts.
We use a range of scripts and have produced some very imaginative pieces both at home and during our monthly meetings.
We usually meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 10am.

Future programme

Tue 11th Feb10:00 amAt Caryl
Tue 11th Mar10:00 amAt Di
Tue 8th Apr10:00 amAt Jenny

14th January

We didn’t have a meeting in January - we went to the Gelsmoor for our Christmas meal instead. All seven of us made it which was good.
Our next meeting is at Caryl’s on Feb 11th where we will plan our future work.

Calligraphy Work Gallery