Please note that Ashby u3a is not responsible in any way for the content of external sites. We have no control over the availability of these sites and cannot guarantee that the links will continue to work. Links will open a separate new page in your browser, and hence they may be closed separately.
Visiting other u3as | A document giving details of reciprocal arrangements with other local u3as. |
Third Age Trust | The National u3a Organisation |
Leicestershire and Rutland u3as | A network of u3as in Leicestershire and Rutland |
Burton u3a | Burton on Trent u3a website |
Melbourne u3a | Melbourne u3a website |
Tamworth u3a | Tamworth u3a website |
Whitwick u3a | Whitwick and District u3a website |
Interest Groups Online | Interest Groups Online (abbreviated as IGO) is an online u3a community that gives you the opportunity to join groups, talks and courses from the comfort of your home. |